Finite Clockwork
For this assignment I really struggled with picking how I wanted to portray the topic. Time is such a broad category that could yield so many different results and ideas. I started simple and thought of how time is prevalent in my life and landed on the idea that there never feels like enough time to accomplish everything while also have the necessities in life and out feels like the hours and day just blend together repeating themselves. This is especially evident as a university student. I always feel like I have so many different assignments to complete and tests to study for while still trying to incorporate time for necessary things like eating, showering, and sleeping for example. Also, I want to have time to just relax and read or watch a movie but that would take away time from the activities that need to be done. I wanted the video to be cyclical to show the repetition of days with it stating with a person falling asleep at their desk while trying to work on an assignment, the going to sleep only to have to wake up for school a few hours later. I wanted to incorporate tasks such as going to school, eating, and showering as those are important things that everyone should be doing while also showing that those activities take away time from other things. Also I used a more muted colour palette for everything except for the clock in each screen. The clock was a bright teal colour so it brings the attention to it in hopes to bring more focus to is and shoot the changer in time through different activities.
I decided to try doing an animation for this assignment as I had never really tried it before it was definitely very challenging and I feel like I could have started simpler with my overall design and style. Working in colour with different moving elements and large scenery was difficult to manage when doing movements like looking around a room. I feel like the last clips I drew are much simpler and may take away slightly from the overall result. If I had worked equally on each part and maybe stuck with just outlines like seen in one of the examples that was shown in class all of the clips could have been done to the same degree of detail. Although some clips are more detailed than others I am happy with the overall result for my first time trying animation and I hope to improve for the next assignment after learning from doing this one.